Seaplane Ferry Services
Herb Lingl is a northern California based single and multi engine land and seaplane commercial pilot who provides seaplane ferrying services. Herb's attention to planning details before each mission, his experience planning unusual ferry assignments and his extensive network of aviation contacts help to ensure that each aircraft ferry assignment is completed on time and on budget. Herb's seaplane ferrying experience includes flying a Taylorcraft BC-12D on Edo 1320 floats from the Rising Sun Seaplane Base (67IN) in Indiana to Clear Lake in California. Ferrying this slow flying straight float aircraft across the United States convinced him of the benefits of aircraft on straight floats. The routing for this ferry flight and where Herb obtained fuel at each of the stops on this flight is available at straight float aircraft route. Herb is particularly interested in assignments to ferry straight float aircraft over longer distances. Herb's seaplane experience includes river operations, including on the Columbia, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Snake and Tennessee rivers. He has flown seaplanes in Alaska, California, Florida, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and other states. Herb's ferry flying experience includes numerous ferry flights begininng in 2006, specializing in ferrying tailwheel aircraft. Additional details are available at Tailwheel Ferry Pilot. He owns a Taylorcraft on straight floats based at Clear Lake in California and has experience flying a numerous single and multi engine seaplanes. He has served as a volunteer skipper of a twin engine power boat for the San Francisco Baykeeper for 10 years patrolling San Francisco Bay and the rivers that feed into the Bay. Herb is the education director of the Clear Lake Flying Club which has organized a number of seaplane related educational and safety seminars and helps to organize the Clear Lake Splash In. To develop a knowledge base regarding specific models of seaplanes, the Clear Lake Flying Club has been organizing seminars entitled Which Seaplane is Right for You?. Each of these seminars features a pilot experienced with a make and model float plane or seaplane discussing the unique characteristics of that aircraft and together with safety and maintenance issues related to flying and owning each of these aircraft. To request a quote for ferrying a seaplane please call 415.771.2555 or contact Herb Lingl For more information about Herb Lingl please visit Herb Lingl. |